
Rosemary Reyes is a shamanic practitioner and visual artist that employs collage, drawing, and painting as sacred practices to communicate with ancestors. Reyes has written for art journals, worked at creative institutions, taken art classes at the Art Students League of New York and has started to expand her work in collage, as well as watercolor. 

Rosemary is also a DJ (@discobruja) and equally treats that practice as sacred space holding, which informs her image-making process. Similar to her visual art, her music is a combination of different beats and sounds that blend together, forming an audible healing experience for the listener. 

Rosemary’s creations, made with the assistance of her guides, extract images from unseen realms and place them into our tangible reality. These pieces are an extension of her healing practice working with magic. 

While at Summertime, Rosemary created art in a space she herself made sacred which allowed for artistic growth. Rosemary constructed large scale collages composed of bright organic shapes, allowing the stories to emerge from the compositions themselves. She also created an interactive community altar made from objects dropped off by neighbors and friends. The ever evolving altar was then buried and returned to the earth as a final offering. 

“I am endlessly grateful for my residency at Summertime. It meant so much for me and my practice to have that abundance.” — Rosemary Reyes